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How To Buy A Home Blog

Register and learn the steps to buying a house: Affordability, Home Ownership, Market Concerns, Safety and Security, and Finding the Right House.

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Home Inspection Mistakes: 5 Things Inspectors Often Miss

Home inspectors can miss crucial problems. This guide reveals 5 common inspection mistakes, including chimney issues, HVAC trouble, and unpermitted work.

How Are People Affording Houses

Tired of rising prices? Discover how people are buying homes with down payment assistance, good credit score, creative financing, & smart location choices...

How Much House Can You Afford?

Buying your first home? This guide helps you determine how much house you can really afford. Learn budgeting tips, understand market trends, and get pre-approved for a mortgage. What credit score is needed to buy a house.

Home buyer's agent services and compensation - who pays for what?

A house buyer's real estate agent provides a range of services. How do they get compensated or payed?

NAR Settlement: How it will change the way we buy and sell homes

First time home buyer. Understand how the National Association of Realtors (NAR) settlement changes home buying and selling. Expert tips for buyers on commission, representation, and navigating the new landscape...

Buying a House with Solar Panels? Avoid These Hidden Costs

Should I buy a house with leased solar panels?

5 Critical Things to Watch Out for When Buying a House from a Builder

Get the inside scoop on buying a new build! 5 critical tips for a smooth purchase.

5 Crucial Questions Every Savvy Home Buyer Should Ask in 2024

Buying a home in 2024? Get the expert questions you MUST ask before signing.

How to Negotiate Real Estate Agent Commissions

Negotiate realtor fees & save on your dream home! This homebuyer's guide reveals tips & tricks to lower real estate agent commissions in 2024. Find the perfect agent & budget for your needs.

How to buy a home

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