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5 Crucial Questions Every Savvy Home Buyer Should Ask in 2024

Submitted by Jwilde on April 27, 2024
QUESTIONS EVERY SAVVY HOME BUYER SHOULD ASK IN 2024, home buying process, education, guide, real estate commissions

Look, buying a home is a huge deal, and the market's always changing. You don't want to walk into this blind. I've seen way too many people jump in without a plan and end up regretting it later. So, before you get caught up in browsing listings, let's get down to the nitty-gritty questions that will make this a smooth process for you.

1. Let's get specific! What things will make me instantly fall in love with a house, and what immediately turns me off?

Before you even start browsing listings, sit down and make a clear list of your priorities (see a template wish list). What features are absolutely essential in your future home? Is it a specific number of bedrooms, a spacious backyard, or a short commute to work? On the flip side, what are your deal-breakers? Perhaps it's a busy street, a fixer-upper, or a lack of natural light. Having a firm grasp on your priorities and deal-breakers will save you time and help you focus on homes that truly meet your needs.

2. What can I realistically afford, and what are the hidden costs in buying a home?

It's easy to get carried away by the excitement of buying a home, but don't let your emotions cloud your financial judgment. Take a hard look at your budget and factor in not just the purchase price, but also the ongoing costs of homeownership. Think property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and potential HOA fees. Don't forget to account for closing costs and the possibility of needing to cover your buyer's agent commission. Getting pre-approved for a mortgage is a smart move to understand your price range and demonstrate to sellers that you're a serious buyer. See 20 HIDDEN COSTS OF BUYING A HOUSE THAT CAN CATCH FIRST-TIME HOMEBUYERS BY SURPRISE

3. What's my ideal timeline for buying a home, and where can I be flexible?

In a perfect world, you'd find your dream home, make an offer, and move in seamlessly. But the reality of home buying is often more complex. Consider your ideal timeline for making a purchase, but also think about where you can be flexible. Are you willing to wait for the right home to come along, or are you working with a tight deadline? Can you compromise on certain features if it means staying within your budget or desired location? Having a clear sense of your timeline and flexibility will help you make strategic decisions throughout the process.

4. Who will represent my interests, and how will I navigate the home buying process?

Buying a home is a significant investment, and having the right professional guidance can make all the difference. Decide early on whether you'll work with a buyer's real estate agent, tackle the process independently, or take a hybrid approach. We can help prepare you with or without a real estate agent. If you opt for an agent, take the time to interview several candidates and discuss your expectations around their services and compensation. If going solo, be prepared to enlist the help of key professionals, such as a real estate attorney or home inspector, to ensure your interests are protected. Learn how to negotiate real estate agent commissions.

5. What's the pulse of the local market housing market, and how competitive is it for buying a house?

Finally, don't underestimate the importance of understanding your local real estate market. Research your target neighborhoods to gauge pricing trends, inventory levels, and the overall competitiveness of the market. Are homes selling quickly, or do they tend to linger on the market? You want to read this article from CNN,"Here is how much household income you’ll need to afford the median-priced home in every US state". Are bidding wars common, or do buyers have more negotiating power? Working with a knowledgeable agent or tapping into local resources can give you valuable insights into what to expect as a buyer in your specific market.

Additional questions for buying a home... Homebuyer Questions: Top 15 Questions to Ask When Buying A House

Buying a home is an exciting journey, but it's not without its challenges. By asking these 5 crucial questions and doing your due diligence, you'll be well-equipped to make informed decisions and find the home that perfectly fits your needs and lifestyle. Remember, knowledge is power in the world of real estate. This is it! Take the best home buyer education program on the net and get up to speed quicky! 

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