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Home Inspection Mistakes: 5 Things Inspectors Often Miss

Submitted by Jwilde on May 5, 2024
Home Inspection Mistakes: 5 Things Inspectors Often Miss

This article discusses some of the most commonly missed items during a home inspection:

5 Crucial Things Home Inspectors Often Miss (And How to Catch Them)

You've done the responsible thing and hired a professional home inspector before buying your dream house. Bravo! However, it's important to remember that even the best inspectors are only human and can occasionally overlook certain issues. Here is a list of the basic items for home inspection.

To help ensure nothing slips through the cracks, let's take a look at 5 crucial items that are commonly missed during home inspections and how you, as a savvy buyer, can catch them:

1. Chimney & Fireplace Issues

Inspectors often take a cursory glance at the chimney and fireplace, but may not catch hidden problems. Have a certified chimney sweep conduct a separate inspection, especially if the house has an older masonry chimney. They'll check for cracks, missing mortar, and proper ventilation to prevent potential fire hazards or carbon monoxide leaks.

2. HVAC Ductwork Problems

While inspectors test the heating and cooling units, they may not thoroughly examine the ductwork. Leaky, kinked, or poorly insulated ducts can drastically reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system, spiking your energy bills. Consider a separate HVAC inspection that includes checking the ducts with special cameras.

3. Plumbing Leaks

Minor leaks under sinks or in the walls can go unnoticed during an inspection. Yet over time, these slow drips can cause major water damage and mold growth. Ask the inspector to carefully check for any signs of moisture or water stains and consider hiring a plumber to do a more thorough leak check.

4. Electrical Issues

Inspectors often catch major electrical problems, but may miss more subtle issues. Outlets without proper grounding, loose connections, and overloaded circuits can all pose safety hazards. If you have any concerns, hire a licensed electrician to do a comprehensive electrical inspection, especially in older homes.

5. Permit History & Unpermitted Work

Inspectors aren't required to verify the permit history of a property. However, unpermitted work, especially structural changes or major renovations, can come back to haunt you with fines, legal issues, and decreased resale value. Check with the city building department to ensure all major work was properly permitted.

Catching the Misses

The best way to avoid missing any of these commonly overlooked issues is to go beyond the general inspection. If the inspector flags a potential problem or you have specific concerns, hire a specialist in that area to take a closer look.

It's also a good idea to be present during the inspection. Follow along, ask questions, and point out anything that seems off to you. Inspectors are a wealth of knowledge and most are happy to share their expertise.

Finally, trust your gut. If something feels wrong, even if it's not flagged in the report, don't be afraid to investigate further. A little extra due diligence now can save you a world of headaches (and cash) later on.

Happy house hunting! And remember, no home is perfect, but catching these commonly missed issues can help you make an informed decision and protect your investment for years to come.

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