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Closing on the property and taking possession

1. Schedule the closing: Once all contingencies have been met and the mortgage has been approved, schedule a closing date with the seller and your real estate agent.

2. Review the closing disclosure: A few days before the closing, review the closing disclosure carefully. This document outlines the final closing costs and credits.

3. Transfer funds: On the closing date, transfer any remaining funds needed to close the sale. This may include the down payment, closing costs, and any other fees.

4. Sign the final paperwork: At the closing, sign the final paperwork, including the mortgage note, deed of trust, and closing disclosure.

5. Receive the keys: Once the paperwork is signed and the funds have been transferred, receive the keys to the property.

6. Conduct a final walk-through: Before taking possession, conduct a final walk-through of the property to ensure that all repairs have been made and that the property is in the condition specified in the purchase and sale agreement.

7. Transfer utilities: Transfer utilities into your name, including electricity, gas, water, and trash.

8. Change the locks: Change the locks on all doors and windows to ensure your safety and security.

9. Move in: Once everything is in order, move into your new home.

By following these steps, you can close on the property and take possession. Remember to review the closing disclosure carefully, transfer funds on time, and conduct a final walk-through before taking possession.