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What to Do with Leftover Seller Belongings: A Buyer's Guide

Submitted by Jwilde on May 8, 2024
house Sellers Leftovers - Your Homebuyers Guide to Unwanted Stuff

The excitement of finding your dream home can sometimes be dampened by a surprise: 

Belongings left behind by the previous owners. From unwanted furniture to boxes of forgotten items, these leftovers can become your problem to solve. This guide will help you navigate this common homebuying issue and ensure a smooth move-in.

Start with Communication to your real estate agent or the seller

Clear communication with the seller is essential. Through your real estate agent, politely inquire about their plans for removing all personal property before closing. Sometimes, it's a genuine oversight, and this reminder resolves the issue.

Know Your Contractual Rights

Your purchase contract is your best friend in this situation. Standard contracts generally require the seller to leave the property free of personal belongings unless other arrangements were made. Breach of this could allow you to delay closing or seek compensation for removal costs. Consult your agent and attorney for specifics.

What if the Seller Won't Cooperate? Costs & Solutions

If the seller is unwilling or unable to take their items, you need to act:

  • Assess Removal Costs: Get quotes from junk removal companies and check your local waste disposal services for bulk pickup options. This cost may factor into your negotiations with the seller.
  • Negotiate a Solution: Request a credit at closing to offset disposal costs or propose slightly lowering the purchase price to account for the cleanup. 
  • Potential Profits? Sometimes there's value in the leftovers. Consider donating usable items to charity or selling them online for extra cash.

FAQs About Seller's Belongings

Can I just throw everything away? Legally, it might be your property, but a gentle attempt to contact the seller is courteous.
What if I find high-value items? Research ownership laws in your state, but generally, abandoned property is fair game.
Can leftover items delay my closing?  Potentially, if it violates your contract. Your real estate agent is key in resolving this.

Contingency Plans for Difficult Sellers

In worst-case scenarios, some sellers remain unresponsive. Protect yourself:

Budget for Removal:  Set aside funds specifically for this eventuality.
Schedule Services: Have a junk removal company lined up for immediate post-closing, minimizing disruption to your move-in.

Though frustrating, leftover belongings shouldn't prevent you from acquiring your dream home.  By understanding your rights, negotiating proactively, and having a backup plan, you'll clear this hurdle and enjoy your new living space clutter-free.

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