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What changes are going to happen in the housing market with the National Association of Realtors (NAR) settlement

Submitted by Jwilde on February 26, 2024
NAR settlement changes, realtor commission transparency, buyer broker commission disclosure, opt-out option for buyer broker commission, competition in real estate market, MLS listing changes for buyer broker commission, seller choice in offering buyer broker commission, impact of NAR settlement on home buyers, impact of NAR settlement on home sellers, DOJ monitoring of NAR compliance, how will NAR settlement affect buyer broker commissions, will seller commissions go down after NAR settlement, what doe

Under the recent settlement reached between the Department of Justice and the National Association of Realtors (NAR), several changes will be implemented to the rules governing the use of buyer brokers in real estate transactions. Here are some of the key changes:

1. Relator Commission Disclosure: Brokerages will be required to display the commission offered to buyer brokers in the MLS listing, allowing buyers to see the financial incentives offered to their agents.

2. Opt-Out Option: Sellers will have the option to decline the offer of a buyer broker commission, which will encourage competition and potentially lower costs for sellers.

3. No More Blanket Requirements: Brokerages will no longer be able to require that all listings include a buyer broker commission, which will give sellers more flexibility in determining their own commission structures.

real estate commissions, buying a house, costs, negotiate commissions

4. Transparent Offer Process: Brokerages will be required to disclose all competing offers to their clients, ensuring that sellers have all the information they need to make informed decisions about accepting or rejecting offers.

5. Ban on Buyer Steering: Brokerages will be prohibited from steering buyers toward affiliated services, such as mortgages or title insurance, which will prevent conflicts of interest and ensure that buyers have greater freedom of choice.

These changes are intended to promote greater transparency and competition in the real estate market, ultimately benefiting both home buyers and sellers. The changes will take effect over the next few months, and the DOJ will monitor compliance to ensure that the new rules are being followed.

Read more about the settlement...

Realtor group settles with DOJ in effort to make broker fees clearer to home buyers.

DOJ tells appeals court to overturn NAR commission ruling

Overturning a ruling over realtor commission and pocket listing policies is an existential threat to the business model.


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