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What is an Assumable Mortgage and How Can It Save You Money?

Submitted by Jwilde on May 13, 2024
what is an assumable mortgages
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Unlocking the Door to Homeownership: How Assumable Mortgages and Equity Can Help You

Picture this: you've found your dream home, but the high interest rates are giving you nightmares. Don't despair! There's a little-known strategy that could help you snag a lower rate and make your homeownership dreams a reality. It's called an assumable mortgage, and it's all about tapping into the power of equity.

What is an Assumable Mortgage?

An assumable mortgage is a unique arrangement where a home buyer takes over the seller's existing mortgage along with the property. This means you could potentially inherit a mortgage with a lower interest rate that was locked in years ago, even if rates have skyrocketed since then.

How Do Assumable Mortgages Work?

When you assume a mortgage, you're essentially stepping into the seller's shoes and adopting their loan. The interest rate, remaining balance, and loan term all remain the same. You'll need to qualify with the lender to ensure you meet their requirements, but the process is often more straightforward than applying for a brand-new mortgage.

What is equity?

Here's where equity comes into play. Equity is the difference between the home's current market value and the outstanding loan balance. As a buyer, you'll need to come up with the difference between the assumable loan balance and the purchase price, either through a down payment or by taking out a second loan. The more equity the seller has built up, the larger this gap will be.

What Types of Loans Are Assumable?

Assumable mortgages are most commonly found among government-backed loans, such as FHA, VA, and USDA mortgages. Conventional loans typically don't have this feature. Roughly 1 in 4 outstanding mortgages are assumable.

What's in it for Sellers?

For sellers, offering an assumable mortgage can be a powerful marketing tool, especially in a high-rate environment. It could attract more buyers, lead to a quicker sale, and potentially even a higher price. However, sellers with VA loans should proceed with caution. Allowing a non-VA buyer to assume their loan could impact their entitlement to secure another VA loan in the future.

Is an Assumable Mortgage Right for You?

As a buyer, an assumable mortgage could save you thousands over the life of the loan. But it's crucial to run the numbers carefully. Consider the equity gap you'll need to cover, along with closing costs and any second loan you may need to bridge the difference between the existing mortgage and the purchase price.

Keep in mind the potential challenges as well. Finding a home with an assumable mortgage that fits your criteria, getting the lender to sign off, and closing the deal can all take longer than a typical home purchase.

Have you heard about this site called Roam

It's pretty cool because it has a bunch of listings for houses that come with assumable mortgages. Definitely worth checking out if you're in the market for a new home! One note though, they are still relatively new and do not have listing of the zip codes or cities in the US.

In today's market, an assumable mortgage could be a powerful tool for some buyers. By leveraging the seller's equity and locking in a lower rate, you could keep more money in your pocket over the long haul. But navigating the process requires careful planning and expert guidance. Partner with a savvy real estate agent and lender to explore whether an assumable mortgage could help turn your homeownership dreams into reality.

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