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The NAR Settlement: How Buying a Home is Changing in 2024

Submitted by Jwilde on April 24, 2024
home buyers negotiating real agent commissions and fees

NAR Settlement: How Buying a Home is Changing in 2024

The recent settlement between the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the Department of Justice has the potential to significantly impact the way Americans buy homes. In this article, we'll dive into what this settlement means for homebuyers and how the real estate landscape may shift in the coming months and years.

More info here from Advisor Perspective, How the NAR Settlement Will Change the Way You Buy a Home

From Yahoo Finance... What the NAR settlement means for home buyers and sellers

A Quick Recap of the settlement

In case you missed it, the NAR reached a settlement in a lawsuit that alleged anticompetitive practices in the real estate industry. The crux of the issue revolves around buyer's agent commissions (as a house buyer - you might be paying the buyer agent) and how they are typically paid by the seller. Critics argue that this arrangement inflates costs for buyers and reduces competition.

So, what does the settlement entail? The key points include:

1. Agents must publicly disclose the commission they offer to buyer's agents.

2. Lockboxes can no longer be restricted to only members of a particular Multiple Listing Service (MLS).

3. The NAR can no longer prohibit agents from marketing their services as "free."

real estate commissions, buying a house, costs, negotiate commissions

Potential Impact on Buyers - Who Pays The buyer Agent

For buyers, the most significant change will likely be increased transparency around commissions. With buyer's agent fees disclosed upfront, homebuyers can make more informed decisions about their representation. This could lead to more negotiation and potentially lower overall costs.

However, it's essential to remember that a buyer's agent provides valuable services, including market expertise, negotiation skills, and guidance through the complex buying process. While some buyers may opt to go it alone, many will still see the value in professional representation.

The Changing Role of Buyer's Agents -Commissions and Fees

In light of the settlement, buyer's agents may need to adapt their business models. Some may choose to charge a flat fee or hourly rate rather than a commission. Others may focus on providing additional value-added services to justify their fees.

 See our step-by-step guide to negotiating buyer agent commissions.

Ultimately, the most successful agents will likely be those who prioritize their clients' best interests and provide exceptional service. Building trust and demonstrating expertise will be key to thriving in this new environment.

The Bottom Line for Buyers

While the long-term impacts of the NAR settlement remain to be seen, buyers should expect more transparency and potentially more negotiating power when it comes to agent fees. However, it's crucial not to underestimate the value of a skilled buyer's agent who can navigate the complexities of the home buying process.

As always, it's important to do your research, ask questions, and choose a representative who you trust to prioritize your best interests. With the right approach and a little bit of savvy, homebuyers can take advantage of these changes to secure their dream homes on the best possible terms.

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