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The NAR Settlement of 2024: Changing the Game for Home Buyers

Submitted by Jwilde on April 8, 2024
realtor agent commissions - nar settlement to change home buying and selling

In 2024, the real estate world saw a major shake-up with a landmark settlement involving the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and a group of plaintiffs who accused the organization of engaging in anti-competitive practices. This agreement promises to transform the home-buying landscape, potentially saving home buyers a hefty sum in the process.

Here’s what’s changing as a result of the NAR settlement:

1. Separation of Buyer and Seller Commission: 

Traditionally, home sellers have been responsible for paying the commissions of both their listing agent and the buyer’s agent, usually amounting to 5-6% of the home’s selling price, split between the two agents. The new rules will end this practice, which means buyers will now pay their agents directly. This change allows buyers to negotiate better rates and potentially reduce costs.

2. Transparent Fees for Buyers: 

Going forward, real estate agents must disclose their fees upfront to prospective clients. This transparency enables buyers to shop around, compare different agents’ fees, and negotiate more effectively.

3. No Commission Details in MLS Listings: 

MLS listings will no longer include information about agent commissions. This change aims to prevent agents from steering clients towards properties based on commission structures, helping buyers choose homes based on their true preferences and needs.

4. Flexible Payment Options for Buyers: 

Buyers will now have the flexibility to engage agents on different payment terms such as per-service fees, flat fees, or hourly rates, instead of the standard percentage commission. This can be particularly advantageous for those who are experienced in real estate transactions and may not require full-service representation.

To navigate these changes effectively, consider exploring different ways to work with real estate agents:

- Compare fees and service models from different agents.
- Negotiate lower rates by showing you're well-informed and prepared.
- Opt for limited services from an agent if you don’t require full representation.
- If you’re an experienced buyer, consider managing some aspects of the buying process on your own.

It's crucial, however, to remember the invaluable assistance a skilled realtor can provide in complex transactions. A knowledgeable agent brings a deep understanding of the local market, established relationships, and transactional expertise, all of which can streamline the buying process and might even save you money overall.

By enrolling in our home buyer education program, you can learn how to leverage these new rules to your advantage. Whether you’re navigating your first home purchase or looking to refine your real estate investment strategy, our program prepares you to make the most of these industry changes. Sign up today!

This monumental settlement is set to introduce more competition and flexibility in pricing within the home buying process, potentially fostering a more consumer-friendly environment. By educating yourself about these changes, you can position yourself to benefit from the evolving real estate landscape.

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