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Homebuyer Regrets

Submitted by Jwilde on May 15, 2024
buyer regrets of buying a house
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Homebuyers Beware: Clever Real Estate Survey Exposes the Ugly Truth Behind Buying a Home

Buckle up, folks, because the recent Clever Real Estate survey, May 2024, just dropped a bombshell on the home buying process, and it ain't pretty. As a grizzled veteran of the real estate game, I've seen my share of homebuyers getting put through the wringer, but these survey results really drive home just how much of a nightmare buying a house can be.

Affordability and Costs of homeownership

First off, let's talk about the financial bloodbath. A whopping 82% of recent buyers said they had regrets about their purchase, and it's no wonder why. Nearly half of them (47%) feel like they're drowning financially since signing on the dotted line, with 44% having to take on even more debt just to keep their heads above water. And get this - 43% of buyers are struggling to make their mortgage payments on time. It's like watching a slow-motion car crash, except instead of cars, it's people's financial futures.

Compromises on must-haves

But wait, there's more! The survey also found that 85% of recent buyers had to compromise on their "must-haves" when buying a home. You know, little things like having an affordable place to live in a neighborhood that doesn't look like a post-apocalyptic wasteland. A mind-boggling 37% of buyers who just wanted a reasonably priced home ended up spending way more than they planned. It's like going to a restaurant, ordering a salad, and then being served a gold-plated steak with a side of caviar.

And don't even get me started on the disconnect between what buyers think they'll pay and what they actually end up shelling out. Prospective buyers, bless their naïve little hearts, think they'll spend around $483,490 on a home. But the cold, hard truth is that 52% of recent buyers ended up spending over half a million bucks. It's like thinking you're signing up for a leisurely 5K fun run and then realizing you've been entered into the Olympic marathon.

Real estate agent commissions

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room: real estate agent commissions. With the powers that be considering making buyers pay for their own agent's commission, it's no surprise that half of the prospective buyers surveyed said they'd rather go it alone than fork over the cash. They want more control, they want to save money, and they want to know what the heck they're paying for.

problems using a real estate agentFrom Clever Real Estate Survey May 2024

So, what can we do to help these poor, beleaguered homebuyers? Here are a few ideas:

1. Give buyers the lowdown on the true costs of buying a home. None of this sugarcoating nonsense. We need to give it to them straight, so they know exactly what they're getting into.

2. Demand transparency from the real estate industry. No more hiding behind jargon and fine print. Buyers should know exactly what they're paying for and what they're getting in return.

3. Fight for more affordable housing options. It's time for the bigwigs to step up and make sure there are homes available at different price points, so buyers don't have to sell their firstborn just to afford a roof over their heads.

4. Be the support system homebuyers need. As real estate pros, we need to step up and be the guides, the advisors, and the shoulders to cry on. We need to put our clients first and help them navigate this crazy, stressful, and often soul-crushing process.

How to avoid homebuying mistakes and regrets

The Clever Real Estate survey is a wake-up call, folks. The home buying process is broken, and it's up to us to fix it. Let's roll up our sleeves, put on our hard hats, and get to work making the American Dream a reality for everyone, not just a select few. It won't be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is. We are working hard to help you. 

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