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First Time Home Buyer? Real Estate Commission Changes Are Your Ally

Submitted by Jwilde on June 12, 2024
first time home buyer - real estate commission changes

How Real Estate Commission Changes Could Benefit First Time Home Buyers

Buying your first home is a monumental milestone, full of excitement and anticipation. But it can also be intimidating, especially with the recent changes to real estate commission structures. These changes are set to revolutionize the industry - July 2024, and as a prospective homebuyer, it's crucial to understand how they can work in your favor. In this article, we'll explore the upcoming changes to real estate commissions, highlight the benefits for first-time buyers, and provide tips on navigating this new landscape. I gathered the stats from this article, 2024 Data: Realtors and Public Sharply Split Over Real Estate Commission Changes From NAR Settlement

First Time Home Buyer

At first glance, the settlement changes appear to disadvantage homebuyers, especially first-time homebuyers. However, we can guide them through these changes and help them succeed.

  • Clear Cost Breakdown: The new rules mandate clear disclosure of the buyer’s agent commission, allowing first-time buyers to see exactly what they are paying for and make informed decisions.
  • Reduced Expenses: With increased competition among agents, first-time buyers can negotiate lower commission rates, leading to direct savings.
  • Enhanced Negotiation Power: The transparency in commission fees gives buyers more leverage to negotiate favorable terms and reduce overall purchasing costs.
  • Improved Financial Planning: Knowing the exact commission fees upfront helps first-time buyers better manage their budgets and avoid unexpected costs.
  • Access to Better Services: As agents compete to attract clients, first-time buyers can benefit from improved services and additional value without a significant increase in costs.


How Real Estate Commission Changes Could Benefit First-Time Homebuyers

What’s Changing in Real Estate Commissions?

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) recently settled a lawsuit aimed at promoting fairness and transparency in the real estate market. A significant aspect of this settlement is the requirement for clear disclosure of the buyer’s agent commission. This change is designed to make the costs associated with buying a home more transparent and potentially lower for buyers.

Why These Changes Are Good News for Homebuyers

Public Support for Transparency

A significant portion of the public (67%) supports these changes, and for good reason. Many believe (61%) that the previous system, where sellers paid the buyer's agent commission, was unfair and anti-competitive. These changes aim to level the playing field, giving buyers more control over their expenses.

Agent Opposition Highlights Buyer Benefits

Interestingly, while 70% of real estate agents oppose these changes, this opposition underscores the advantages for buyers. Agents are concerned because the new rules threaten the status quo, which has traditionally benefited them more than buyers. With increased transparency, buyers will be better equipped to negotiate commission rates, potentially saving money.

The Impact on Homebuyers: More Control and Potential Savings

Affordability and Budgeting

One of the biggest challenges for first-time home buyers is affording all the costs associated with purchasing a home. Two-thirds (66%) of prospective first-time buyers have indicated they wouldn’t be able to afford their agent’s commission on top of other costs. With the new rules, you can negotiate commission rates more effectively, potentially reducing this burden.

Increased Competition Among Agents

The real estate market is becoming more competitive for agents, which is great news for buyers. As agents strive to offer more value and lower their rates to attract clients, you stand to benefit from better deals and improved services.

Leveraging the Changes to Your Advantage

First Time Home Buyer -Educate Yourself

Knowledge is power, especially in a shifting market. If you are a first time home buyer, consider enrolling in a homebuyer education course like the one we offer. These courses can help you understand the new commission structures and navigate the homebuying process more confidently.

Smart Budgeting

With the potential to negotiate lower commission rates, you can allocate more of your budget towards your down payment and other closing costs. This strategic budgeting can ease the financial pressure and make homeownership more attainable.

Take Your Time

With a slower market expected (56% of agents believe homes will stay on the market longer), you’ll have more time to find the right home and negotiate favorable terms. Use this to your advantage by carefully considering your options and making informed decisions.

The Future of Real Estate: A Buyer’s Market

Additional Services from Agents

To stay competitive, many agents are likely to offer additional services. Look for agents who provide value-added services without significantly increasing costs. These could include personalized assistance, detailed market analysis, and extra support throughout the buying process.

Stable Commission Rates

Despite the changes, most agents expect commission rates for both buyers' and listing agents to remain relatively stable. This stability can help you plan your finances better, knowing that dramatic changes in rates are unlikely.

Industry Adjustments

The real estate industry is expected to see some agents leave due to these changes, making the market more competitive. This increased competition is likely to benefit you by driving down commission costs and improving service quality.

We compiled a list of new services for real estate agents and assigned a dollar value to each one to help first time home buyer negotiate better prices.

The upcoming changes to real estate commissions are set to transform the industry, offering significant benefits to homebuyers, especially those purchasing their first home. By staying informed, budgeting wisely, and taking advantage of the slower market, you can turn these changes to your advantage.

You know, you could DIY and not use a real estate agent. What are the steps for a first time home buyer without a real estate agent?

Buying your first home is an exciting journey filled with opportunities. Understanding and leveraging the new rules can make the process smoother and more rewarding. Be proactive, seek out educational resources, and take control of your homebuying journey. Your dream home is within reach, and with the right preparation, you can turn that dream into reality.

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