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Are Your Homebuying Expectations Realistic?

Submitted by Jwilde on May 22, 2024
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Are We Being Unrealistic? Understanding the Complexities of Home Buying

Home buying is a journey filled with excitement, anticipation, and, at times, frustration. As a seasoned real estate agent, I’ve seen the spectrum of emotions and challenges that buyers face. Recently, a client posed a question that many of you might be pondering: Are we being unrealistic?*

The Scenario

Imagine this: you're second-time homebuyers, pre-approved for a $400,000 mortgage. You find a home listed at $325,000 and ask your realtor to show it. However, your realtor declines, citing that any offer you make would likely be rejected because you're asking for seller credits for closing costs and lack cash for the appraisal gap. Instead, she suggests you visit open houses on your own and let her know if you find something you love.

Your realtor’s blunt approach leaves you wondering if you’re being unrealistic or if it’s time to find a new agent.

The Real Estate Market Realities

The real estate market is a dynamic beast, with varying conditions across different regions and times. In hot markets, where demand exceeds supply, sellers have the upper hand. They receive multiple offers, often above the asking price, and can afford to be selective. In such scenarios, buyers asking for seller credits or unable to cover appraisal gaps are at a disadvantage.

For example, in states like New Hampshire, where the average sale price is around $515,000, competition is fierce. Sellers often expect buyers to cover their own closing costs and handle any appraisal discrepancies independently. This expectation is rooted in the market dynamics: sellers know they have numerous potential buyers ready to meet their terms without additional concessions.

Are You Being Unrealistic?

Let’s break down the key issues:

1. Seller Credits for Closing Costs: Asking for seller credits can be seen as a red flag in a competitive market. It suggests that the buyer might be financially stretched, which could make the seller nervous about the deal closing smoothly.
2. Appraisal Gaps: An appraisal gap occurs when the appraisal value of the property is lower than the purchase price. In a seller’s market, it’s common for properties to sell above the appraisal value. Buyers who can’t cover this gap out-of-pocket are often at a disadvantage.

3. Market Conditions: The local market conditions play a crucial role. In a buyer’s market, where there are more homes for sale than buyers, asking for seller credits or covering appraisal gaps might be more feasible. However, in a seller’s market, the opposite is true.

Given these factors, it’s essential to assess whether your expectations align with the current market realities. However, it’s equally crucial to have an agent who is willing to work with you and navigate these challenges creatively.

The Role of Your Realtor

A good realtor should be your advocate, guide, and strategist. If your realtor is unwilling to show you homes or write offers, it might be time to reconsider your partnership. Here’s why:

1. Professional Obligation: When you sign a contract with a realtor, they are committing to help you find and purchase a home. This includes showing you properties and submitting offers, even if the chances of acceptance seem slim.

2. Creative Solutions: A dedicated realtor will explore creative solutions to make your offers more attractive. This might include negotiating different terms, suggesting alternative financing options, or finding off-market deals.

3. Communication and Trust: Effective communication and trust are foundational to the realtor-client relationship. If your realtor is dismissive or negative, it can erode your confidence and hinder your home-buying journey.

Personal Anecdote: Finding Creative Solutions

I recall working with a young couple who, like you, were pre-approved but faced stiff competition in a hot market. They couldn’t cover appraisal gaps, and their offers with seller credits were consistently rejected. Rather than giving up, we took a different approach.

We started by expanding our search to include slightly less popular neighborhoods, where competition was less intense. We also looked at homes that had been on the market for a while, which gave us more negotiating power. Additionally, we explored different loan programs that offered better terms and required less cash upfront.

Through persistence and creative strategies, we eventually found a home that met their needs within their budget. It took time and effort, but the key was not giving up and being flexible with our approach.

Navigating Realistic Expectations and Market Realities

So, are you being unrealistic? It depends. If your expectations are not aligned with the current market conditions, some adjustments might be necessary. However, this doesn’t mean you should lower your standards or give up on your dream home. Instead, work with a realtor who understands the market, respects your needs, and is willing to explore every possible avenue to help you succeed.

If your current realtor isn’t providing the support and guidance you need, it might be time to find someone who will. Home buying is a significant journey, and having the right partner by your side can make all the difference.

Remember, the goal is not just to buy a house but to find a home where you can build your future. Stay informed, stay persistent, and don’t hesitate to seek the support you deserve.

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